Safe, natural solutions
that really work
Sharing the world's leading essential oils + education on how to use them.

Kia ora! I'm Anthea Whitlock
Thanks for visiting. A doTERRA essential oil wellness advocate for over a decade, I'm also a mum, educational designer, and psychology student with special interest in emotional awareness & wellbeing. If - like I once was - you're dubious of how essentials oils could ever feasibly work, well I completely understand. All I can say is: try these essential oils, check out the burgeoning scientific studies & utilise the free ongoing support I offer before closing your mind. You can reach out to me anytime. I'm not pushy & don’t brandish far-out claims, but am always here to help. I’m also 100% authentic & genuine. It's one of my superpowers.
Purity is what makes oils safe.
Potency is what makes them work.
Sadly adulteration, mislabelling & inferior quality is rampant in the essential oil industry as there are no standards and little regulation. While being 100% pure & organic is great - there is much more impacting an oil's ability to be therapeutically effective - such as plant growing conditions, how & when a plant is harvested, which part of the plant the oil is extracted from and the distillation process itself. Whereas most essential oil companies don't have analysis standards or simply do not carry out appropriate testing, doTERRA oils set the global standard in sourcing & testing rigour and transparency.

Take your next wellbeing step...

You will enjoy:
Wholesale prices with no ongoing obligation - buy when & what YOU want to; no minimum purchases required
Proven uncompromising quality products
Comprehensive testing analysis results accessible for every bottle of single essential oil
Ethically & sustainably sourced products utilising a co-impact sourcing model
A highly respected company led by a scientific team of medical professionals
Free personalised support & education to help get you started and on an ongoing basis as you need
24/7 online access to a strong community - you need never feel alone
Earning plenty of freebies through an amazing, but entirely optional, loyalty scheme
There's no need to worry
What others say

Anthea introduced me to the oils about a year ago, she is so passionate and knowledgeable. I started slowly, adding about an oil a month to my collection, and not a day goes past now that I don't use them. I am really sensitive and usually do not tolerate smells well - but I am yet to come across a doTERRA oil that gives me a headache. They are amazing!
Jaime Carter //

These oils have really changed our lives in so many ways. Was very skeptical but now true believer.
Angus Watson //

Anthea introduced me to doTERRA oils and since then I haven't looked back. Personally, I love them, and best of all its like having my own personal physician 24 hrs around the clock. Anything that crops up in my family, and there can be lots, I am quickly messaging Anthea for her sound knowledge. I like taking the natural approach and I believe in the same foundations Anthea believes in. I can only give 5 starts but if I could give more I would. I cam confident in recommending Anthea and doTERRA oils.
Senga O'Byrne // Canberra

I started using Anthea's oils a couple of years ago. They have helped with my fibromyalgia. I have used On Guard blend for the last 3 years and have not had a winter cold. And I use DDR Prime daily as well. Awesome benefits and Anthea is lovely to work with.
Julie Cotton // Nelson

I absolutely love the oils. Have been hooked for over 2 years. Anthea is always so helpful and knowledgeable. Amazing to have an alternative to pharmacy meds. Wish I had known about them earlier when I had 2 colicky babies.