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Here's the low-down on why using essential oils for emotional support can work so well, and my favourite oils to use for this purpose when starting out.
Why do I use essential oils for emotional support?
I really appreciate having my essential oils on hand for emotional support. Because while sometimes I seemingly I have it all together, at others it can feel like an emotional shit show reenactment.
During the latter I cling for sanity's sake to this simple thought: That this too shall pass. And invoke my now steadfast policy of being gentle & kind & loving with myself (as opposed to just talking superficially about doing it; a common pitfall that).
Cue the entrance of my essential oils for emotional support, my BFFs. Oh how they embrace & soothe me - or when required - cajole & give me an energising feelgood kick up the arse. I use them both proactively & reactively at different times
Essential oils work with the brain to affect emotions
Inhaling an essential oil can be a powerful way to affect memory, hormones & emotions through our olfactory system (and also our sinuses, larynx, bronchial tubes and lungs come to that).
Our olfactory system sends the impulses it gets from inhaling an oil to various different structures within our brain. This includes those that store & release emotional trauma, as well as processing smell & stimuli, before passing them onto our limbic system. The limbic system is a part of our brain that deals with behavioural and emotional responses and memory. This is why essential oils can have such profound physiological and psychological effects.
My favourite essential oils for emotional support
Here are a selection of my favourite & most versatile starter kits to use for emotional support when you decide to begin with essential oils yourself.
Option 1 - The Emotional Wellness Starter Pack
What is it useful for...?
Think along these lines and you’ll have it nailed…
Option 2 - The Emotional Aromatherapy Starter Pack
What is it useful for...?
Option 3 - The Bedtime Bliss Wellness Box
What is it useful for...?
Feel free to get in touch with me to answer any questions you may have or for more personal essential oils support.
Much love,
AromaTools. (2018). Modern Essentials: The Complete Guide to the Therapeutic Use of Essential Oils (10th ed.). Author: Utah
I am in no way masquerading as a health professional. Any content published on this website has been inspired largely by my own personal experiences or those of others, and should not be understood or construed as professional or medical health care advice. Neither is this website intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any health condition or disease. In full transparency, while aspects of this site may enable a source of income to help make its continued upkeep possible, the central focus is always encouragement which is lavished freely. Any products & services promoted have been used by me personally and shared only where I believe they may be of interest and benefit to you, dear reader.